Air & Nitrox

Air Fills & Nitrox Fills
Our compressor and banked air is tested quarterly to the highest standard for SCUBA diving air–Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Standard G-7.1-2004 Grade E(2) for oxygen compatible air.  This means that ALL of our fills are hyper-clean air, at no extra cost to you.

We have large capacity banks for both air and Nitrox 32, so we can fill on demand.  Our Nitrox fill station uses pre-blended nitrox, eliminating the need for oxygen-cleaned tanks.  We can fill high pressure tanks (up to 3500 psi). If you want a Nitrox fill which is above 32% Oxygen, we can fill it using a partial pressure blend, provided your tank is oxygen cleaned.

In addition, we bank 18/45 and can provide custom trimix blends upon request. We also have Argon available for those wishing to use it as an insulative gas.


Fill Station | Air, Gas, Blends  
Compressed Air (Grade E2) $6.99
10-Fill Air Card $60
Premix Nitrox (EAN32) $12.99
10-Fill Nitrox Card (EAN32) $100
Nitrox at 33%-50% (EAN33-EAN50) $20
Oxygen Cleaned Tanks Only  
SCBA Fills $20
Paintball Fills $20
Gas Blends & Rebreather Bottles  
Oxygen $0.65/cubic ft
Helium $2.25/cubic ft (Partial Pressure Fill)
Argon (minimum charge $5.99) $1.00/cubic ft

In addition, $20 labor charge incurred for fills and blends for any tank 40 cubic feet or less.

  • AIR: All of our air meets or exceeds clean-air standards for partial pressure filling
  • NITROX/OXYGEN: We bank EAN32 and can provide custom mixes from 22%-100% O2
  • TRIMIX: Fills to requested blends
  • ARGON: An ideal gas for drysuit insulation.